Sunday, March 29, 2009

first time nerves

So this is my first "real" blog - be kind.

I would have to say that this is more a form of procrastination than anything else. Another reason would have to be that i love playing around on my mac.. Choosing my technology over my boyfriend..
It's my first year studying at University this year (QUT). I love change! I am studying Bachelor of Media and Communications and Bachelor of Business and yes I know that it is pretty much an Arts/Business degree therefore I understand your assumption, "she doesn't know what she wants to do".  However I really did think, at the time, that it seemed like the best degree to accept. 
The more people I meet, the more I want to change over to a Law degree. At least I know I could be a lawyer after I completed my degree. Because no matter what they name the "arts" precinct in universities - creative industries, cultural practices. These degrees will always be an art degree. Don't get me wrong I had complete faith in the "creative industries" as a pathway, and for some, with a specific talent i.e. drama, fashion, music even networking, it often is. I will use my tutor for one of my classes as an example. She originally completed an arts degree out of high school, went on and worked within the government setting up their creative industry policies. After that she organised some local brisbane festivals so on so forth. Until she came back to University to complete her doctorate (on writers and creative festivals). She is currently completing that (as it takes one whole year). Teaching in the mean time. She is becoming an 'academic'.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that there a fair few 20ish olds who are racking up massive hex debts while spending years at university, doing what? Becoming a doctor in festival organisation?
I just don't want that to happen to me..
Changing topic.. You have to listen to Not Fair by Lily Allen.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I hope you don't mind me reading ur blog. Ian had some friends at uni who continually went from degree to degree and who had racked up over $70,000 in HEX debt (EACH!!) and never, ever looked like paying it back. It's sad about the arts. We need artists in our community, and if your serious you can make a good living out of it, but my advice is.... no matter what you end up doing.... make sure it's something you absolutely LOVE TO DO!!! My first choice was hairdressing ( I know... lame) but I love mucking around with hair. Then I became a nurse.... loved that. But then I had kids and became a mother.... loved that. Computers came along..... love my technology and could do that. But painting is something I just can't live without. That's what it comes down to. What you can't NOT do. BTW... you write very well. You could be a columnist. hehe.
